Monday, November 01, 2010

ICBINBS Guide to AZ Elections, Ballot Cheat Sheet

I was asked to provide a "cheat sheet" for the ballot measures, both short summaries for the props and my own opinion on how to vote for them. Please know that the votes are my own and if you need more info, I invite you to visit here for more depth and links to bipartisan information on the ballot. Here goes:

Prop 106: Will outlaw any law forcing citizens of AZ to buy health insurance (called a mandate, as in the one in the Obama health care bill).
My vote: No.

Prop 107: Will outlaw affirmative action (a.k.a. equal opportunity) programs for state employment, meaning it is now illegal to favor any race, including minorities, in employment programs.
My vote: Yes.

Prop 108: Would cause all formal voting in the state--elections and union votes, primarily--to be "secret ballot" (as opposed to "public ballot" where people know what each other voted for).
My vote: Yes.

Prop 109: Re-guarantees the right to hunt (and associated right to guns) in AZ.
My vote: Yes.

Prop 110: Outlaws land sales/use that impede existing military institutions.
My vote: Yes.

Prop 111: Changes "Secretary of State" to "Lieutenant Governor", and states that in future elections, Governor and Lieutenant Governor must be of the same party, like the President and Vice President.
My vote: No.

Prop 112: Shortens the time allotted for petitions to get the number of signatures they need to be on the ballot.
My vote: No.

Prop 203: Legalizes medical marijuana.
My vote: Yes.

Prop 301: Moves ~$120 million from a conservation account (where they can't be used for anything but conservation, and currently sit idle) to the General Fund (where the legislature can move it anywhere to make up the current deficits in other departments---education, law enforcement, etc).
My vote: Yes.

Prop 302: Moves ~$300 million from a pre-K education fund to the General Fund (similar principles to prop 301).
My vote: Yes.

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